Please could everyone confirm that they are attending the game, by either commenting in the section below, or by emailing directly to
Meet Time: 10:00am
Match Start Time: 11:30am
Format: 45-Over Match
Players are requested to bring their own food/drink for the day.
Lord's Youth kit to be worn.
Parking will be available through the black gate down the side of 'Le Beau House' on West Street, Harrow;,-0.3426285,3a,75y,188.57h,76.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swkZs7Fsunr8WFqKbgHJ5Wg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Players selected below:
Aadvik Navad |
Aayush Baluja |
Preet Raja |
Arthur Hanson |
Zach Bayfield (Captain & WK) |
Ibrahim Lalgie Amaad Bilal |
Rayan Shaikh |
Finlay Howell |
Dev Patel |
Rithvik Sridharan |
Olly Pryce Jones