Dear All,
Please see the details below about the game on Monday on the Nursery ground at Lord's
Lord’s Youth u15 Girls vs MCC Foundation u15 Girls
Location Nursery Ground – Lord’s Cricket Ground
Entry – via the north gate
Parking - it is not guaranteed, so we would advise players and supporters to travel by public transport.
8.30 am = Meet time
8:30am - 8:50am = Players to get changed into their playing clothing for the day.
9:00 am - 9:45am = Players from both teams will be invited to go on a tour around the ground, to see the media centre, pavilion (dressing rooms), and museum. There will be a photographer on-site for the day and will take photos of the tour and everything surrounding the game.
9:45am - 10:30am = Player to warm up
10:30am = Toss
10:50am = Players to gather for a team photograph
11:00am = Start of the first T20
2:00pm = Tea
2:30pm = Start of the second T20
Teas – Will be provided to the players and umpires
Food – We are trying to organise an area where spectators can purchase food on the day. I’m waiting for confirmation on this and will update
Tours – From 10am, 11am and 12noon, parents and supporters of the players will be invited to go on the same tour the players went on at 9am.
Photography - We will have a photographer on site, which will be predominately used for future promotional purposes for the Girls programme. If anyone doesn't want their daughter to be photographed for the day, please get in contact with us through the lords youth girls email address and we will let the photographer know. For those that are happy, we will just need a form signed, which will be with the officer staff in the indoor cricket centre.
The team as written below -
Raameen Affan *
Shristi Patil
Alice Whitmore
Lottie Ross
September Pearce
Tabby Martin
Ammy Baldie
Ruby Rees-Allen +
Izzy Walker
Anshi Puri
Edie Rose
Jenny Lee
Keya Patel
For the players that are selected, we need to know you've seen the selection and you'll be attending the game. So please comment BELOW to let us know you're attending. If we don't hear from you, we will have to select another player.
For the players who were not selected, that doesn't mean you're not invited. If you still wish to come to watch and support the girls, along with family and friends, you'll be more than welcome to join us and you'll be able to attend one of the tours of the ground if you wish. If you can comment below to let us know you are attending would be greatly appreciated.
The bar will be open throughout the day, so you'll be able to sit back relax and enjoy watching a game of cricket at the Home of Cricket.
Please comment below if you have any questions and please confirmif you are attending or not.
Kind regards