Hi, all we are waiting for Cricket Ireland to give us details for transport to Belfast, they are the ones organising it. I should have the details tomorrow and I will forward as soon as I know.
Also due to personal reasons Sarath will not be able to attend so the squad will be managed by Joe O’Mahony and coached by Sunil Gutan.
The U17 Squad to travel to Belfast is as follows:
Stevenson, Callum
Ahmadzay, Mirhamza
Divakaran, Adhvaith
Faizi, Abas
Khan, Isa
Khurana, Aksh
Magee, Charlie
McLaughlin, Jonathan
Searra, Preston
Shields, William
Sumanasinghe, Dineth
Sumanasinghe, Seneth
Ullah, Ayan
Monmand, Sahil
I will forward more information as soon as I have it, with a full schedule of games.
All the best to those involved