Hi all,
there’s been a slight miscommunication/misunderstanding on the booking of court at scc this Saturday. There is a huge tennis tournament happening so courts are not available.
We will be @ UWC Dover this week 30 Nov ONLY.
1207 Dover Rd, Singapore 139654
the courts are @ the bus bay (covered)
when you enter the school, at security, just let them know you are here for netball. keep right at the fork. (DO NOT go straight into the basement carpark).
go all the way to the end of the road where you will see a roundabout. take the first exit (you will also see signs for the bus bay on the pillar in front of the roundabout).
the bus bay courts are on your right - you should see most of us there.
timings remain the same for age groups (8am start for all except U6s).
U6s will start at 915am.
Dec 7&14 we will be back @ scc.
if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Here if you need,